Moosehead threatens legal action against New Brunswick government


Following previous successful legal actions taken in the name of trademark infringement, New Brunswick’s Moosehead Brewery today named yet another claimant in their fight to make sure their name remains unique: The Government of New Brunswick.

On the heels of legal action in November of 2014 that forced Sudbury’s Stack Brewing to change the names of its Friendly Moose and Angry Moose brands and an ongoing opposition to a trademark filing by Regina’s District Brewing over the name Müs Knuckle Lager, Mooshead has announced they’ve now got beef with the New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure.

The issue?

Countless moose crossing signs scattered across New Brunswick’s public highways.

“Frankly, we don’t know how many of these signs there are in the province, or how long they’ve been up,” says Andrew Oland, President of Moosehead ,“but it’s unfair for the province to continue using the word ‘moose’ or an image that bears such a striking resemblance to our logo without our permission, and we need it to stop.”

Oland has indicated that if his company’s legal battle with New Brunswick is successful, it’s likely that similar action will follow in British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador,  Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan, all of whom Oland recently discovered using moose crossing signs on their roads and highways (Alberta will be spared from legal action from Moosehead given that Alberta moose and the highway signs about them typically refer to “antlered forest steak.”)

The company also has plans to pursue legal action against Kawartha Dairy for their Moose Tracks Ice Cream, former Dallas Cowboy Daryl “Moose” Johnston, the AHL’s Manitoba Moose, all the people living around Moose River in Ontario, and, naturally, once they have established a precedent on the name, Oland hopes to target the largest infringer on their copyright, actual moose.

“Yeah, it’s kind of crazy that they get to walk around using not only the name but also the exact image of our logo,” Oland says. “Those pricks definitely have a fight coming.”


*In case it is at all unclear, the above post is satirical

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